🧭 PM Coaching

Hopefully, you have a great manager who has the skills and motivation to push you to the next level in your product career. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Therefore, I offer outside office hours, 1-1 product management coaching. I have 2 plans:

Plan A: Career Booster

  1. We create a personal plan, to get you to the next level in your career.
  2. Analysis of current PM skills.
  3. Analysis of desired career path and next step.
  4. Define new PM skills to be developed.
  5. Define OKR’s for new PM skills.
  6. Monthly check-in to discuss progress.

Plan B: General Job Coaching

  1. Monthly check-in to discuss any topics concerning your Product Management job and career
  2. Topics can range from relevant frameworks to use, how to deal with politics, or negotiating an increase in salary.


Just send me an e-mail, with a short description of what you are looking for. And we can discuss if I can help you!